Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Cheat Dota Allstar

Bagi anda yg Cheaterz Sejati...
ni gua ksh cheat2nya..
tapi jangan senang dulu cheat ini cuma bisa di single player bukan di local area network(LAN)
ni cheatnya...

Iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy - God mode
strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions
itvexesme - Disable victory conditions
greedisgood - Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood # - Receive # gold and lumber
keysersoze - Receive 500 gold
keysersoze # - Receive # gold
leafittome - Receive 500 lumber
leafittome # - Receive # lumber
pointbreak - Removes food limit
warpten - Speeds construction of buildings and units
iocainepowder - Fast death/decay
whoisjohngalt - Fast research
sharpandshiny - Research upgrades
synergy - Disable tech tree requirements
riseandshine - Set time to dawn
lightsout - Set time to dusk
daylightsavings - Set time of the day
daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression
motherland - Level select
thedudeabides - Cool down

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